WHAT IS QUANTITY Irregularity?

A normal menstrual cycle for most women is 21 to 35 days. However, 14% to 25% of women have irregular menstrual cycles; this means that cycles are shorter or longer than usual; is heavier or lighter than usual; or they experience other problems such as abdominal cramps. In short, menstrual irregularity is an abnormal process that you can recognize from symptoms such as pain, absence of bleeding or occurring twice a month.


The duration and intensity of menstrual bleeding varies from woman to woman. If a woman’s menstrual cycle is extremely long, prolonged or irregular, it is known as menorrhagia.

Symptoms of menorrhagia include a menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days, and the bleeding is so heavy that you need to change your tampon or pad more than once an hour. If you have excessive or prolonged menstrual periods that interfere with your daily life, you should see your doctor. Excessive bleeding can cause anemia or iron deficiency and may indicate an underlying medical condition. In most cases, abnormal periods can be treated successfully by a doctor.

Causes of menstrual irregularities;


Some anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, or hormone medications can affect menstrual bleeding.
Hormone Imbalances
Excess of estrogen and progesterone hormones can cause heavy bleeding. Hormone imbalances are most common among girls who have had menstrual irregularities within the last year and a half. It is also common in women approaching menopause.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and other infections, like endometriosis, can cause irregular periods.
Inherited Blood Disorder
Heavy menstrual bleeding may also be due to certain inherited blood disorders that affect clotting.
Cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer can cause heavy bleeding, but these conditions are not common. Benign noncancerous tumors in the uterus can cause heavy bleeding or prolonged bleeding.


It means lack of ovulation or no ovulation at all, resulting in a deficiency of the hormone progesterone, causing heavy periods.
Ectopic Pregnancy
normal pregnancy


The length of the menstrual cycle and the amount of bleeding are unique to each woman. However, most women have a cycle that lasts between 24 and 34 days. Bleeding lasts about four or five days, blood loss is about 40 cc (3 tablespoons). It’s important to remember that these are just averages and your “normal” may be outside of these ranges.

Signs of profound anemia due to abnormally heavy bleeding:

– Tiredness
– Pale skin
– Shortness of breath
– Dizziness

Other indicators that you should consult your doctor include:

– If your periods consistently last more than a week

– For several hours in a row if more than one tampon or sanitary pad is needed in an hour

– severe pain

– Fire

– Abnormal discharge or odor

– Unexplained weight gain or loss

– Unusual hair growth

– New acne

– Nipple discharge

Track your menstrual periods, including how long your blood flow is and how many tampons or sanitary pads you use during each cycle. This information will be helpful at your gynecological appointment. Also avoid products containing Aspirin because they can increase bleeding.


Treatment will depend on your overall health, the cause of menstrual abnormalities, your reproductive history, and your future plans. Your doctor must also address any underlying medical conditions such as thyroid dysfunction. Treatments may include:

Possible drug treatments your doctor may recommend include:

– Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, may reduce mild blood loss.

– Iron supplements can treat anemia.

– Hormone replacements can treat hormonal imbalances.

– Oral contraceptives can regulate your cycle and shorten the periods.

– If your irregularities are due to medications you currently take, you can talk to your doctor to find alternatives.


D&C: Dilation and curettage is a procedure in which the doctor dilates the cervix and scrapes tissue from your uterine wall. This is a fairly common procedure and usually reduces menstrual bleeding.

SURGERY: Surgical treatment is common for cancerous tumors. Surgery is also an option to treat fibroids, but it’s not always necessary. Removal of polyps can occur using a hysteroscopy.

Endometrial Ablation: It is a procedure used in women who are not taking medication to control heavy bleeding and related symptoms. In this procedure, the doctor destroys the uterine lining, leaving little or no menstrual flow. This procedure significantly reduces your chances of future pregnancy, so women planning to have children should discuss and consider other treatment options.

Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the cervix. This may be the treatment of choice for patients with cancer or fibroids. A hysterectomy will end your ability to have children. Your doctor will also remove your ovaries if needed. This results in early menopause.

The content of the page is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Content Update Date: 26.12.2022