What is HPV Genital Wart?

Genital warts seen in both men and women are genital manifestations of sexually transmitted HPV infection. It is also called “condyloma acuminata”. There are more than 200 types of HPV virus (Human papilloma virus) and 40 of them cause genital warts. The types that cause the most genital warts are HPV 6 and HPV 11. However, these HPV types do not cause cancer.

Especially in women, other types of HPV can be found in the body at the same time, so tests such as Pap Smear need to be performed. Genital warts appear as dark or light brown bumps and sometimes spots on the skin. While they may appear singly, multiple warts may appear side by side in a cauliflower shape. Warts can sometimes be mistaken for moles or are not noticed at all. It may cause bleeding and itching during sexual intercourse.

Whether the virus causes symptoms or not, there is a possibility of infecting other people because it is in the body. Therefore, it cannot be determined when and from whom the HPV virus was transmitted. The earlier genital warts are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Warts can be treated with creams, various burning methods or surgery depending on their size.

What is colposcopy?

Colposcopy is the method used to examine the cervix. It is used to evaluate the cervix and detect diseases. There is a light at the end of the colposcope instruments and the cervix is visualized with the help of the light. Additionally, the magnification capacity of these devices is quite good. It provides magnification up to 6 or 40 times. Since it is a clinical procedure, it does not hurt much. It is generally used for magnification during visual examination of the vagina. If there is suspicion of disease after examination, a colposcopic biopsy may be requested.

How is Colposcopy Performed?

This procedure is performed by specialist doctors in a clinical setting. The patient lies on his back with his feet apart. In order to see the uterus more easily, an apparatus is attached to the mouth of the cervix and this apparatus widens the cervix. This apparatus is called speculum. The cervix area is washed with special solutions. The device called colposcope is prepared and placed in front of the vagina, but in no way is it inserted into the vagina. The tissues in the vagina are enlarged and an image is obtained. If no problematic lesion is detected, the procedure is terminated. However, if a different lesion is detected, colposcopic biopsy is performed.

What is the LEEP process?

The word LEEP, which you may have never heard before, describes a technique used in the treatment of lesions of the cervix that can turn into malignant diseases. Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure, which is a newer technology than laser, is the abbreviation of LEEP. We can translate this sentence into Turkish as Electrosurgery as a ring-shaped subtraction. LEEP PAP is performed to treat and make a definitive diagnosis of the change in the cervix of women whose abnormal condition is detected as a result of the smear. Other abbreviations are also used to abbreviate the process. For example, the process is called LLETZ (Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone) in Britain. Also referred to as LLEC (Large Loop Excision of the Cervix), Loop Cone Biopsy. All definitions describe an operation performed with a very simple surgical instrument, powered by electrical energy and consisting of a ring-shaped wire. With the help of this tool, the changing area in the cervix is removed quickly, painlessly and effectively.

What is the Smear Test?

It is the procedure used to detect cellular irregularities, cancer precursor cells and infections in the cervix, especially cervical cancer. In addition, the smear test can help in the early diagnosis of endometrium cancer. In this way, cellular disorders are detected at an early stage before they turn into uterine and cervical cancer. The patient can fully regain his health.

The content of the page is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Content Update Date: 26.12.2022